Monday, May 11, 2009

Painters for hire?

We've resurfaced briefly for a quick post about what we've been up to. Was it 3 weeks or 4 weeks ago we were sitting in lovely San Diego with friends celebrating a wedding? Our lives of leisure have changed! We've closed officially on our home, that news is probably old to most of you, but we've started making our changes already and with the hope that we can get the painting done before the actual move. The master bedroom that was a fabulous peach color everywhere is now turning into a nice gray/blue. It was seriously everywhere, ceilings and windowsills too. Is that normal?

Its nice having some extra help when the kids are home for the weekend. Even though they spent most of the day in the pool while Craig and I taped, painted and labored in general inside the house - they pulled out some hard labor at the end of the day on Sunday. Nick is all business, he wants to help. And Mallory? - well this is how you paint when you've been outside in the sun all day and are completly exhausted. Its rough playing in the pool...

We're hoping to get the painting all done this weekend, Saturday actually. Then on Sunday our goal will be to purchase the 2 items we deem to be the top priorities. We'll try to purchase a guest bed and bedding, and a really nice outdoor dining table for the patio since we'll be spending most of our summer out there.

We're planning our move for May 22 and haven't packed a box yet. We're more of a box it while you move it family, I think. It's just been a crazy month of major projects coming due, end of year school parties, birthdays coming up and our 1 year anniversary too. To say that I'm overwhelmed is an understatement, but these are all good things. At some point, I'll post some photos from our Chicago trip. The wedding was gorgeous and it was nice to see the Fellows/Riebe side of the family as well as spend time with friends in the downtown area. Mallory is still talking about our 4-mile walk to the (wood)Shedd Aquarium.

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