This weekend we had our good friends, Michael and Shelsea and the kids over for a swim in the pool and a bar-b-que. After we ate, the men had the clever idea to shave Bodey, their 1-year-old's head! They gave him the mohawk you see here. I'm really not sure what I would do if I came home to find Nick's hair like this? I'm a bit undecided on the baby mohawk? It looks like he should have a studded dog collar on and a leather vest. And I wonder how it will grow in eventually too? Its going to be stubbly on the sides for awhile, right? Shelsea has reported that when its not spiked or gel-ed up, it doesn't look so cute. OOhh!
I hope the rest of our friends are not afraid to bring their children near our home for fear that Craig will cut their hair? Their original idea was to give him a mullet! Business in the front, party in the back. Thank goodness we at least talked them out of that!
I am happy to report that the sides have grown in, leaving it less prickly and I have trimmed down the top ~ it's cute now. Uncle Craig & daddy pimped out Boders! There has yet to be an outting where we have left with out numerous people stopping and commenting on how CUTE he is with his hair cut!! No worries........
Luv ya guys!!
Uncle Craig definitely loves Nascar
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