So, not much going on this week except a couple interviews. Being grilled by CEO's, COO's and CTO's is not fun for anyone. During the last of my 3 interviews I think I was starting to lose it a bit; it was getting warm in the room and they didn't offer any water..... well suffice it to say I may have started to babble about my accomplishments. I mean, no one even mentioned water. Anyway, I thought you were supposed to freeze out a suspect during interrogation, not sweat them? Oh, maybe you are, I just thought that through.

To include Nicholas in this post, here's a photo of him hanging off of a basketball hoop. He's laughing a bit like a crazy person here, and with no front teeth, he looks even crazier. It's always Craig's idea to hang little Nick off of something? I don't understand it, must be a guy thing. We got a hoop for Christmas and he's ready to play! As soon as we figure out our assembly woe (pieces of fiberglass break off when you hit the backboard) we'll be in business. It's very fun to shoot the ball. I can see many important decisions and conversations occurring over a game of H-O-R-S-E perhaps.
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