Sunday, December 9, 2007

Our Tree!

Even though it was rainy and cold this weekend, that didn't stop us from stuffing a gigantic tree into the back of the Jetta and heading home! Every year, I try to convince the kids that a Noble fur would be nice and every year we come home with a Douglas fur. year I will try again!

Our tree looks slightly understated, as I've discovered we have very few ornaments and the tree skirt has been lost somewhere? Usually we split to PA for a couple weeks over December holiday, so its been awhile since we've had a tree. We'll have to work on that over the next few days! I dig this photo, the lights create a cool effect. Its kind of funny... I never noticed the windows looked so bare before? We'll have to work on that this week too!

The house looks great, it helps that our normal accent color is red anyway! Starting this week we've got some holiday parties and dinners, so things will pick up and we can enjoy the season! Happy Holidays!

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