Friday, November 16, 2007

Playstation Party!

Nick's Crew (-1)

" Bring it On!"

The kids playing Playstation (big kid on the right!)
I thought it would be a good idea for Nick to have a couple friends over for a playstation party. We ended up having 7 boys over that night. One Playstation console is not enough apparently. Boys were everywhere in the house, running up and down the stairs like maniacs, and bugging the girls every chance they got.
I also didn't realize that boys are rough. Because Nick has a sister he doesn't really hit or punch anyone. Well, these boys apparently have brothers; brothers who hit. And boys wrestle too. What's with that? Even Craig didn't know what was going on when the WWF brought the match to our dining room (he's an only child). So, the kids had fun, they didn't want to leave at the end of the night and Nick was happy. That's all that matters. :o)

1 comment:

Frank said...

Nick, What's with the fingers in these pictures? Something wrong with these kids. They look like the Arizona Diamondbacks!!
Craig, are the little kids giving the big kid a lesson on Playstation?