Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sandy, The Bearded Dragon

So this week, the kids are on fall break. I know the teachers work hard and deserve time to get plans ready, but it sure seems like they are really good at finding random days off?! This is followed by a week long early dismissal for getting grades together for the qtr. Sheesh?

Anywho, this means that the 5 pets in Mallory's classroom need to find homes. Of course, Mallory, the new self-professed lover of all creatures creepy and small, (why not furry and fluffy?), volunteered to babysit the bearded dragon. Her name is Sandy, and Mallory says she's cute. Huh? Our fuzzy cocker spaniel is cute, I would not put this semi-fat, lizard creature in the 'cute' category. She really digs Mal. She closes her eyes when Mal reaches in to pet her lizard-y head. Interesting.

Since I will not touch the dragon, Mallory holds it while I change out its dirty newspaper. I figured this would end up being my task? But if I have to pick between touching her and changing the paper, I will change the paper. Even Nick won't go near her. We've only had her a day though, maybe he'll warm up to her. And, it is better than the baby snakes they have in the classroom. I wonder what lucky family gets to babysit them? =)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Mal, that thing is really ugly. Hopefully Brit won't eat it.