I probably don't need my son's pediatriction to tell me that soda is bad for you, some juices are full of sugar and to drink more water. I get it. I fully realize the power of water and I'm no stranger to it's magic. When I was pregnant with Mallory and not feeling well, water was always the fix. But soda is fun and fizzy, bubbly goodness: I'm addicted. On a stressful day, it's all I drink. I start at 8am and I crack them open as late as 11pm if I have to pull an all-nighter for work. On the weekends, and when I'm too busy to have major qtys of it, I find myself having serious headaches. Headaches of withdraw, you might say. I have heard this happens with coffee drinkers too, but I wonder if its this severe? Sometimes my dull painful headache will last for 3 days!
So, here I am, 6hrs into my no soda rule and on my 6th glass of water. I have a slight headache, but I'm hoping it will wear off. Wish me luck on my soda free journey.