After Thanksgiving we headed off to Rocky Point, Mexico to the beach for some fun. The weather was gorgeous sunny, but windy and chilly at times. That would be chilly for us Arizona kids. We stayed in a huge house with a really nice kitchen that had a bar all across the entire counter, there must have been at least 11 stools and it had a great living room area.
The kids had fun on the beach, it was a little different for them to be there when we wore pants and sweaters. There's no way you couldn't be out there though, the sound of the ocean and the sand under your feet is awesome, at any time of year!
There were lots of good things about our trip, going into town with everyone is cool. Talking the local vendors down for my Prada purse is always interesting and Rocky Point is starting to have some cool local spots along the water. Of course the seafood at the fish market is always amazing too. Huge shrimp for $5.50/lb!
Some other fun smaller things: Seeing the sweetest black cocker spaniel on the beach that reminded me of my little critter at home, seeing our friends' daughter Madi dig her little heart out in the sand, flying a kite with Mallory - "Run Forest, Run!" and collecting shells with Nick.